A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
“We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone”. - Katie Thrumes
Living in a small town, even for just a little while, has fueled me to pick up my camera once again, and record everything around me. From the most non descript things, to the relaxed way of life small town living brings. The need to get out in nature lies deep within my soul, and the love of my beautiful surroundings helps push this introvert further out of her comfort zone. Recording moments in time so they can be looked back on for generations to come.

Burns Lake Indigenous Day 2023!
Our Services
Photographing the beauty around us helps attract visitors to come and experience it for themselves.
Gatherings & celebrations are an intricate part of daily life. Freezing these moments in time provides important learning material for future generations.
Promote your business through photos to let customers know what you are all about. A picture is worth a thousand words as well as a visual tool in describing what you provide.
Get in Contact
Please contact to book an upcoming EVENT, to receive a copy of a PHOTO featured on the website or to reach out if you have a suggestion of someone who should be FEATURED in an upcoming book!

“The Earth is Art, the Photographer is only a Witness.”— Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Eyes Into The Wild